Eamon McGrath (CAN) // Lake Forest (CAN/Folk) @ living room sessions Samstag 17.06. 20:00

Sat, 17.06.17 20:00

Während der kanadische Musiker durch Europa getourt ist, beschäftigte ihn jene Frage, die wohl jeder Künstlerin auf Tour kennt: Muss ich für meine Kunst leiden? Führen die Mühen und Herzschmerzen, die einen Musiker unterwegs ständig begleiten am Ende zu einer kathartischen Erlösung? Oder nützt die Quälerei gar nichts? In seinem neuen Buch verarbeitet Mc Grath die Erfahrungen aus seinem Leben und aus dem seiner Leidensgenossen. Auf diesem Weg versucht er die Bedeutsamkeit der aufwühlenden und emotionalen Erfahrungen eines Lebens auf der Straße zu erfassen. An diesem Abend erlebt das Publikum ein Konzert verwebt mit Geschichten aus seinem gerade erschienenen Buch.
Support: Lake Forest (Can/Folk)

Eamon McGrath
Rollins’s Get in the Van meets Bidini’s On a Cold Road in an original fever dream. While touring Europe, Eamon McGrath wrestled with one of the biggest questions on the mind of any touring artist: should you suffer for your art? The pain and heartache that goes along with a working musician’s lifestyle must serve as a means to some kind of cathartic end, McGrath argues — otherwise that torment served no purpose. In Berlin-Warszawa Express, McGrath fictionalizes experiences from his life and the lives of his peers to seek out meaning and significance in the tumultuous and emotional experience of living on the road.
From boozy techno-fied weekends in Berlin, to punk squats in Prague, to the alleyways and barrooms of Vienna, McGrath chronicles the dramatic changes in emotion and culture occurring on both sides of the train window in this raucous debut.
Lake Forest
Lake Forest was named after a number of places encountered through personal experiences. One being the name of a lonely road near his family's cottage in northern Ontario that he constantly returned to throughout childhood and recurring dreams. Another was the city in Dave Egger's novel 'A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius.' He wanted a name that evoked a place more than it would a person or individual, also giving space for the band to either be just myself or accompanied by other players.
'Black And White Film,' the most recent release, is a collection of songs written & recorded over a longer period of time that began as early sketches and became finished demos for the most part. Listening back to the material, he decided that releasing them in their earliest developmental state was more interesting than attempting to perfect or recapture their performances, allowing the songs to exist at their most raw and visceral for the listener.Samstag 20:00
Eintritt: 5,7 oder 9 Euro nach eigenem Ermessen

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