Fri, 03.05.24 20:00 10/12/15 (nach eigenem Ermessen) Tickets kaufen

Pockets filled with lost objects. A knife. Love as a sharpening stone.

When Maria is left heartbroken after her lover abandons her, Johanna tries to bring her back into a world of joy.

She fails as the conversation shifts towards their distorted memories of their family and when she discovers why her sister cannot look in the mirror.

A Theatre Play written and directed by Mihaela Horvat.
Veronika Schmidinger as Maria
Melanie Falkensteiner as Johanna
Dramaturg: Polona Ferjancic
Dancer: Brigida Pereira Neves
Graphics: Nicole Schopf
Aprox: 1h and 25 minutes.
The play is in english language.

Doors: 19:00 Uhr
Start: 20:00 Uhr