Menstrual Cycle • FLINTA* curated arts night

Fri, 16.02.24 19:00 10/13/15 (nach eigenem Ermessen) Buy tickets

if there
is a river
braver than this
coming and coming in a surge
of passion, of pain --- LUCILLE CLIFTON

Come join us for an evening of laughter, music, dance, films, discussions and shared stories, as we celebrate the joy and challenges of the menstrual cycle – an aspect not openly discussed in all facets of life and not (yet) fully integrated into today's societal norms. The cycle is deeply intertwined with our daily lives, closely connected for our well-being and self-understanding. Let's come together to cultivate open conversations and embrace this natural process in a night of empowerment, shared experiences and celebrating our bodies.

Join us for an evening curated by local artists*, in collaboration with the CYCLES crew!
•⁠ ⁠Polona Ferjancic // English Stand-Up Special: "Lost Sock"
•⁠ ⁠CYCLES movie screening + discussion - an all female freeride, experimental movie about discovering the power of the female cycle
•⁠ Bucket Clips - an all female ski-mixtape
•⁠ ⁠Storytelling: Share your period stories either anonymously in advance by sending them to or sign up (same email) to participate live in the event with your story.
•⁠ ⁠Concert: BLASTIKKA
More program details will be revealed soon!


CYCLES movie:
Through an artistic and action-packed freeride film, Cycles portrays the four phases of the menstrual or lunar cycle. Its aim is to raise awareness among viewers about their own inner phases and provide a platform for the still-tabooed topic of the female cycle.
Additionally, the project seeks to highlight the connection between the menstrual cycle and sports. It aims to make women more visible in the freeride sport and to raise awareness about the significance of the female cycle in sports and training.
Cycles is Supported by Mons Royalen and Delayon Eyewear.

BLASTIKKA from Graz produce melancholic pop songs with electronic elements. Jennes produces, Mücke brings the lyrics and sings, sometimes in English, sometimes in German, everything happens in the home-studio.

Door: 18:00
Start: 19:00
everyone is welcome!